Energy Consulting

Solar Energy


SavvyPlus provides a suite of consulting services in the energy field. Our expertise includes:


Procurement Strategy Development:

  • Designing leading edge energy procurement strategies
  • Management of market tender engagements and evaluation
  • Advisory services


Network Tariff Management:

  • Network tariffs review
  • Monitoring demand and capacity levels to ensure optimal demand settings are in place


Developing Electricity Market Models:

  • Probabilistic short, medium, long term electricity price forecasting
  • Demand analysis and forecasting


Energy Risk Management

  • Trading strategy analysis and optimisation
  • Network tariff optimisation


Energy Data Management:

  • Storing and analysing of customer’s half hourly meter data
  • Invoice validation


Turning Energy Data into Information:

  • Budgets and Accruals
  • Cost Intelligence Reporting
    • Explain and measure cost variation in terms of volume or price impact
    • Track changes to peak and off-peak energy and the impact on cost
    • Determine mix of fixed, semi-variable and variable costs in portfolio
    • Identify Cost-at-Risk and impact of any pass-through cost changes


Please contact us to discuss your project requirements.